Real Estate Transaction Management Software

Grow your business with our real estate transaction management software in your corner. Manage due dates, documents, signatures and more all in one place.


Transaction Templates & Checklists

With Wise Agent, you can easily personalize a buyer or listing template and transform it into a helpful checklist for managing real estate transactions. This ensures that every buyer or seller has a clear and organized roadmap to follow throughout the entire process, from start to finish. Our checklists provide a comprehensive overview of all the necessary information on one convenient page, making it a favorite among REALTORS®.

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Transaction Portal

Transaction Portals

Create a Transaction Portal from any real estate transaction checklist in your Wise Agent account that is accessible to everyone involved. This portal will show an itemized list of what is complete in that real estate transaction and what still needs to happen. When your real estate clients need an update on the progress, instead of calling you, they can simply log in with the login credentials you share with them and have access to the progress you have made.

These portals are easy to create, completely customizable, and don’t require any software download. Build them directly in your Wise Agent account and create templates to build future portals even faster. Include branding from your Wise Agent account, or create new branding for your portal!

Commission Reports

View your sales from the commission reports section on your Wise Agent Home Page. The commission reports display the total sales numbers as graphs to help you visualize the status of your transactions. These reports sync directly to your annual sales goals, related contact records, and Transaction Management checklists. Find an in-depth breakdown of past, pending, and upcoming sales on your sales list to get the big picture for your business.

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Property Lists

Manage all of your properties directly within your Wise Agent account. With your property list, you can store all the information, notes, and contacts with each property. Your properties connect to transaction checklists, commission reports, and several marketing features like emails and digital ads. We're constantly adding new MLS integrations to make importing your properties into your real estate CRM seamless and quick.

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Transaction Management

Have You Tried Wise Agent's Transaction Management System?

With our Checklist feature, you can easily stay organized with all your buyer and seller transactions or any other process you repeat regularly in your business.

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